Project Galleries The process of polishing and leveling cement screed mortar floors on the construction site in the process of constructionConcreter checking level of the concrete using laser level and staff as he pour ground floor slab of the new…Aerial view of a house in the early stages of construction, prepPouring and leveling a new concrete slab for a residential house under construction in Melbourne AustraliaPouring and leveling a new concrete slab for a residential house under construction in Melbourne AustraliaAustralian builder carrying steel meshAustralian builder performing steel fixing workspouring concrete on steel iron fencebackgroundHelicopter concrete finishingconstruction drill detailGroßer Bagger vor blauem HimmelRoadworks4B8790C5-0FCB-49A6-87B9-C4761C36A3C0Stamp concrete texture backgroundRustic Charm for Driveways concrete smooth durabilityHigh-resolution image of stamped concrete, emphasizing the patterns and designs imprinted for a decorative backgroundIMG_4149IMG_4130IMG_3722IMG_3719IMG_2307IMG_2306IMG_2251IMG_2197IMG_2064IMG_2063IMG_162658390684193__7E98A894-3295-4C8E-9C3E-AC0D83279925IMG_0264photo-outputIMG_9262IMG_9197IMG_9145IMG_9196IMG_8954IMG_8953specialised_coating_solutions_nutech_pavecoat_anti_slip_driveway_finish_highett_melbourne_after-compressed-1024×768IMG_4150Demolition pic27E88105-425E-4146-BFB5-A7C944CDE99237FBEC32-EA86-460C-89CC-A51AC1DA1AB147C455CE-792D-45BC-8175-5579F59F20E598BDEADB-C077-48C5-985A-13C4B2A02952122EE149-CD64-4AF8-A1AD-DC7810064C142020-10-172023-04-282023-06-012023-07-122024-07-18467481B0-3E4D-42DD-A39F-9F268137B2A5Rustic Charm for Driveways concrete smooth durabilityC4F06901-372E-44B2-A84F-32BB0F15383FCEE91E78-23E4-4AFA-B0BA-A47F809CA4C9D9506501-553D-4A6E-9180-CEE59F7087F5F5B4A31C-DC6E-42DF-B95F-344A5D0A6428XYFO4004 2
The process of polishing and leveling cement screed mortar floors on the construction site in the process of construction
Concreter checking level of the concrete using laser level and staff as he pour ground floor slab of the new…
Pouring and leveling a new concrete slab for a residential house under construction in Melbourne Australia
Pouring and leveling a new concrete slab for a residential house under construction in Melbourne Australia
High-resolution image of stamped concrete, emphasizing the patterns and designs imprinted for a decorative background